MokumeSmithi Sci-Artist. PONK SMITHI Mokume Gane the pattern of life experiences. Ornaments fulfilling your life, love, and success.
Mokume Gane is a technique for producing patterned metal from 2 or more metals by diffusion between the metal at a high temperature and under high pressure without soldered metal. Drilling, cut, torque, rods, hammered, trim in the pattern making.
PONK SMITHI the unique jewelry that is not only used for decoration but also has the values of arts, crafts, culture, and wisdom. The beginning of a passion and appreciation from the Mokume Gane technique. PONK SMITHI has researched methods of creating patterns combined with Thai craftsmanship until obtaining a unique alive pattern. The long process like a long life journey experience.

PONK SMiTHi Owner The Uniqueness Jewelry
Adderss: The Old Siam Plaza, Wangburapapirom, Pranakorn 10200 Bangkok, Thailand
Phone: 089 109 2922