Contacted by the local postal service by yourself with tracking number or paper slip images. As we must contact Thai Post for information and Thai Post they are with the destination country, which handles thousands of issues daily, this might cause the delay and might not be able to reflect the current status of the product by the time the information reaches us.
Please see more, track status parcel at your postal website for clear information when parcel arrived at the destination country.
Destination postal for clear information.
Please provide the tracking number or images of the paper slip to the local postal service for further assistance. Please note that delays may occur due to the high volume of issues handled by Thai Post, the destination country’s postal service. We recommend tracking the status of your parcel on the postal website of the destination country for the most up-to-date information regarding its arrival.
Here is the tracking number and the Thailand post website where you can look it up.

THP Contact Center would like to inform you that Recommend checking additional information at Philippine Postal:
*Return products weighing over 2 kilograms will be abandoned at the central transit center and we will not receive those return products.
For : Germany post
And other. If the product has arrived at the destination country but has not been relocated and you have not been contacted by the local postal service, it is advisable for the recipient to contact your the postal service directly for clear information. This will prevent loss or return of the product.
Armenia Post:
Australia Post:
Bulgarian and 30 countries

example : contact the local post office by yourself.