Please, closely trace your parcel after the parcel has been shipped out of Thailand for 10 days, there will be some cases that parcel will arrive the countries faster, but there is no update of the delivery status. If there is any notification alerted, I would kindly ask you to contact the post office nearby to prevent the loss of the parcel.
Thailand Post as to contact the international postal, the documents must be sent and processed more than 1 month.
The tracking number after deliver products will be available to look it up within 24 hours.

Here is the tracking number and the post office website where you can look it up.

We will notify you by email if there are any problems stated. However, as parcels are shipped to several destinations, we would kindly ask you to closely trace your parcel which you might find the problems if any before we do. This would allow the local post office to resolve the problems easier.
*Contact the local post office by yourself to resolve the problems quickly.

*Because the international Post Services does not accept e-mail inquiries, the source must deliver actual letters and slips in writing only, it a long period.
Some time when a parcel’s tracking has stopped updating,or a delay in the tracking system registering the parcel’s progress. However, please contact the local post office by yourself to resolve the problems quickly. Because if your parcel tracking has stopped for more than 30 days, there could be complications with the delivery itself.

We can contact Thailand post after 40 Post working days (after 19 Sep)😅customers still do not receive packages. However, please contact the local post office by yourself to resolve the problems quickly.🥳
Please, feel free to contact us if there is anything we could do to benefit you.
Thanks & Regards,
Team Thai grocery online